WEEK SIX! of our #MeetTheTeam series, and of course we asked YOU to vote for which one of four beers I snuck out of my beer cupboard that you'd like to see reviewed in 60 seconds in our #BeerStashBeerDash by me, Mitch...
Also below I've answered the same beer related questions I have put to the rest of the team so far. You voted on Twitter for which one you'd like to see me dash to review in a Friday afternoon #beerstashbeerdash.
North X Fieldwork Golden Milk - Sour 6% i Video coming soon!
Adnams Tally Ho - 2009 Bottle Conditioned Barley Wine 7% ish
Wild Beer Co X Lindheim Ølkompani - Choked Up - Fruit Sour 5.8%
Moon Dog - Jumping the Shark 2019 - Vanilla Barrel Aged Maple Syrup ImperiaL Stout 12.2%
Meet The Team
Mitch Adams Operations Manager & Beer Buyer
t: @mitcheladams / i: @biteandbottle

What do you do at Euroboozer?
I look after the beer. If beer gets tasted, bought, imported, cold stored, shipped by pallet, delivered by van, sent by courier, then I have most likely had something to do with it. I oversee our warehouse operation, import logistics and have the enviable job of tasting and purchasing beer. In different times I'd visitng beer festivals and breweries around the UK and the world in search of delicious beer for our customers. I also do most of the socials and blog posts, including these ones!
What age did your “beer journey” start & how?
Like Scott, my first memories of beer were those stubby bottles on French camping holidays, I'm still quite fond of them. I also remember minesweeping Diamond White at a family 'do' when I was pretty young. My journey into craft beer came when I moved to London in 2004 though and started working at The Flask in Highgate where we had 6 real ales on and a veritable selection of German, Belgian and some US imported beers too.
I'd found my sweet shop.
What the best NEW beer you discovered in 2020?
There were lots to be fair, Beak West Coast IPA, Arbour Dry Hopped Stout, Rittmayer Hallandorfer Rauchbier all deserve an honourable mention...
But the one that left the most lasting impression was Harbour Oud Bruin Raspberry. It really could have been made in Flanders it was so delicious, well balanced and luxurious. I especially loved that it came in a 330ml can, far less likely to have come from Flanders...

What’s your favourite comfort beer, the one you always go back to?
It's always a toss up between a great lager or a best bitter for me. In lockdown it's been lager, mainly Stiegl Goldbrau and Augustiner, prior to lockdown it was most likely Timmy Taylors... However, now London Brewing Co canned my old favourite cask Beer Street I have a new comfort beer!
What’s your favourite pub, the one you’re most looking forward to getting to post lockdown #3?
Ah man, so many to choose from. But the one I really long to see is the village pub in Shannagarry, Co Cork where my wife's family are from. I'll know things are almost back to normal when I'm sitting at the bar of The Goalpost with a pint of Murphy's.

What’s the most memorable beer and food pairing you’ve tried?
It would have to be the first proper beer and food pairing event I attended. It completely changed my view of beer and started me on the road to Beer Sommeliier. Mark Stroodbrandt was hosting a Belgian "Christmas Day" beer and food pairing at The Dovetail, Clerkenwell. Deus Brut des Flanders with Smoked Salmon to start. But the absolute kicker was the Gueze, first time I'd tried it and I couldn't stand it, until I had it with a mouthful of spicy prawns and everything sang. My relationship with beer changed instanaeously and permanently right then.
What do you enjoy drinking the most when you’re not drinking beer?
Tough to narrow it down, I love my whisky (and whiskey), I love gin and rum too. I'm a massive cider fan and I love wine... But I think it's coffee that I'd struggle to live without the most.
If you weren’t Beer Buyer & Ops Manager at Euroboozer what would you do?
I couldn't ever see myself returning to running pubs, so perhaps something with less 'Brexit' and more beer tasting if anybody would ever pay me for that it would be amazing!
Finally, tell us something that you don't think many people will know about you...
You'll have all figured out I'm a dad from the photo, but few people probably know that I have a degree in Computer Science and Artifical Intellignece and used to work in IT support & web applications development...