With the impending downtime of lockdown #3 (we always find trilogies are dissapointing) we decided we wanted to do something to hopefully lighten the mood. So we'll be introducing the Euroboozer team to you all properly through this series of weekly #MeetTheTeam blogs. Each week we'll introduce a different member of the team, they'll also be sharing a few beers from their stash with us and we'll be asking YOU to vote for which one you'd like to see reviewed in 60 seconds or less in our #BeerStashBeerDash
Firstly, below we've got a few beer related questions for Andy Spencer, our man in the North. Andy has suggested the following four beers from his stash, you voted on Twitter which one you'd like to see reviewed in 60 seconds on Friday afternoon's #beerstashbeerdash. Find out which won in the video below...
Thornbridge Bracia (Strong Dark Honey Ale)
Mikkeller Nelson Sauvin (Wild Barrel Aged Ale)
Verdant / LHG Even Allen Needs Cheeseburgers (DIPA)
Püttner Zoigl (Keller Beer)
Meet The Team

What do you do at Euroboozer?
Attend Zoom & Teams meetings!
Basically look after everything up North (Birmingham & up), at first establishing & now growing our customer base outside of London/the South. On any (pre lockdown) day this could be finding new leads, account management, customer visits, working with our brand reps, problem solving and events. Since lockdown #1, I’ve also tried my hand at processing orders, driver paperwork, invoicing, credits, updating stock sheets……….so a bit of everything really!
What age did your “beer journey” start & how?
Probably some time in my teens by nabbing cans of Boddingtons off my Dad, those ones with the widget in! From there it would have pints of ‘real ale’, US craft beer like Stone and then really broadening my taste when I started working at Harrogate Tap.
What the best NEW beer you discovered in 2020?
New to me……Deya Invoice Me For the Microphone, Stiegl Lemon Radler, Mikkeller Limbo Blueberry, Donzoko Select Pils Tettnang, Mikkeller Beer Geek Vanilla Maple Shake.
What’s your favourite comfort beer, the one you always go back to?
So many….cask would always be my go to and it could be Arbor Shangri-La, Track Sonoma, Turning Point Disco King, North Riding Mosaic, Northern Monk Eternal to name a handful.
Keg/can would be Roosters One Trick Pony, Stiegl Grapefruit Radler, Augustiner Helles, Burning Sky Arise.
What’s your favourite pub, the one you’re most looking forward to getting to post lockdown #3?
Blind Jacks in Knaresborough has always been and probably will always be my favourite pub. Been drinking there since I was old enough and I can’t wait to get back for a pint with my Dad. Honourable mentions to Harrogate Tap & Rutland Arms, our pre match boozer before Sheffield United games.
What’s the most memorable beer and food pairing you’ve tried?
Probably at Roosters shiny new brewery before lockdown #1, when they launched their new range of Outlaw beers with a food pairing night. Melissa Cole & Pete Brown were speaking there too, the whole evening was just great…..friends, beer, food, entertainment – don’t we all miss that?! Can’t pick one course ahead of another so here’s a pic of the menu!

What do you enjoy drinking the most when you’re not drinking beer?
Coffee or red wine.
If you weren’t looking after Euroboozer North what would you do?
I’d probably still be on the other side of the bar, running a pub or a bottle shop.
Finally, tell us something that you don't think many people will know about you...
I’ve skydived from 15,000 ft, I’ve got a one year old daughter, I’m still playing amateur football every week at the age of 36