Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Well, what a year, none of us saw that coming!!
I normally make a big point about saying thank you at this time of year and it now seems more pertinent and more important than ever. So here is a heartfelt THANK YOU ever so much for your support this year. It always means a lot to us and, of course, this year perhaps more so than ever.
The support from our incredibly loyal customers and suppliers has been truly incredible. It has allowed us to keep the lights on, not make any redundancies and maintain 100% pay to our team throughout all of this. When we have said thank you in the past and alluded to the fact it keeps several families warm and fed, we’ve meant it and again this applies as much as ever this year.
I am so immensely proud of us collectively as a business this year and of all of our individual team members in equal measure. Everyone has mucked in and ‘got the job done’ without any moaning at all. I’m proud of the way we have acted and conducted ourselves and the support we have offered to our customers and suppliers.
We will be coming out of this much stronger than we ever were, and we will continue to be here to help and support our wonderful customers and suppliers in any way we can. On that note, if you’re after some more deliveries before the end of the year then read on to find out what our delivery schedule and order deadlines look like. We will do whatever we can to help you out.
Here’s to 2021 where we hope we will eventually get to see, drink with, hug and kiss as many of you as possible. We really do hope you can enjoy, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
All the very best,

Martyn Railton
Euroboozer Limited

We will be delivering as close to normal as possible (and with normal office hours) up to the 23rd December, and again from the 4th January. Inbetween Christmas and New Year, as always, we will be delivering to those of you who have booked a delivery slot. The office will be closed, but we will be monitoring emails.
Monday 21st - Wednesday 23rd
- London - normal deliveries -
- North & East deliveries on Monday & Tuesday
- South and West London deliveries will be brought forward to Wednesday 23rd
- Brighton / Southampton - Normal Tuesday delivery
- North of England (Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Liverpool, Birmingham, Nottingham etc) We will deliver all of these on Wednesday 23rd (orders by Monday 21st at 2pm
24th - 28th December
- Office closed
- No deliveries
You Must place your order by close of play Wednesday 23rd December
- London Deliveries North, East & EC
- Brighton, Southampton, Herts, Berks
- Bristol, Birmingham
You Must place your order by close of play Wednesday 23rd December
- London Deliveries South, West & WC/TW/KT
- North of England (Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Liverpool, Nottingham etc)

You can always find our latest availability through the below Dropbox links which we we endeavour to keep up to date...